About me

I am a first-year PhD student in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Slobodan Mitrović.

I received my Master's degree at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. I had the honor to be advised by Professor Biing-Feng Wang.

Research interest: I am interested in combinatorial optimization and algorithmic graph theory. Recently, my research has been focused on the design of efficient distributed algorithms and streaming algorithms.

Contact: My email is wsheu at ucdavis dot edu

External links:

Publications & Manuscripts

Following the convention in theoretical computer science, unless stated otherwise, author names are ordered alphabetically.

  • Toward Optimal Semi-streaming Algorithm for (1 + ε)-approximate Maximum Matching
    Slobodan Mitrović, Anish Mukherjee, Piotr Sankowski, and Wen-Horng Sheu
    Manuscript submitted for publication, 2024
  • Kernelization and Approximation Algorithms for Finding a Perfect Phylogeny from Mixed Tumor Samples
    Wen-Horng Sheu and Biing-Feng Wang (contribution-based order)
    Manuscript submitted for publication, 2024
  • New Algorithms for Constructing Frequency Difference Consensus Trees
    Biing-Feng Wang, Chih-Yu Li, and Wen-Horng Sheu (contribution-based order)
    Manuscript submitted for publication, 2023
  • Wen-Horng Sheu and Biing-Feng Wang (contribution-based order)
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2023


  • TA for ECS 189A Special Topics in Theoretical Computer Science at UC Davis: Winter 2023
  • TA for Computational Geometry at NTHU: Spring 2022, Spring 2020
  • TA for Parallel Algorithm Design at NTHU: Spring 2022, Fall 2019
  • TA for Design and Analysis of Algorithms at NTHU: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019